BpExtract for Aktiia App – Take Control of Your Data

Introducing the BpExtract App

Introducing the BpExtract App. This App is used alongside an Aktiia blood pressure wearable device.

We do not receive payments from Aktiia, we are wholly independent developers who are plugging a gap in the product feature set.

You can find more details on how the Aktiia bracelet operates by heading over to their website https://aktiia.com/uk/

These are the key features of the Aktiia blood pressure monitor:

  • The first 24/7 blood pressure monitoring system
  • Lightweight device which is barely noticeable
  • Battery lasts up to 10 days
  • Accurate (Systolic BP Accuracy: 0.45 ± 7.75 mmHg, Diastolic BP Accuracy: 0.38 ± 6.86 mmHg)
  • Backed by several clinical trials

The Aktiia bracelet is a wearable device which is used to continuously record a user’s blood pressure readings. This can be worn for about 10 days during waking and sleeping hours. The device produces PDF reports which can be shared with your doctor and provides invaluable insight into the health of your heart. This is especially useful for those who suffer from high blood pressure or those who wish to monitor their blood pressure in order to maintain a healthy heart.

The Aktiia bracelet in itself is a wonderful device. The only thing that is missing is the ability to allow a user to upload the data into Apple HealthKit and to allow a user to download the data from the device.

This is where the BpExtract app comes in. It is designed to allow a user to take control of the data on this wearable device. It provides the following facilities:

  • Ability to upload blood pressure readings to Apple HealthKit (on a supported HealthKit device)
  • Allows the user to extract the blood pressure readings as a CSV extract
  • Allows the user to share the data in CSV format with other Apps (e.g. Mail/Messages/Files)

The BpExtract app is built for Apple products and is built for the following devices:

  • iPhone (running iOS 17+)
  • iPad (running iOS 17+)
  • Mac OS (Running Mac OS 10.15+, note HealthKit is not available on this version)

The following sections describe how this app works:

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